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François-Albert here,

Thanks for stopping by my about page and welcome to the Alfredtricks Weekly!

Alfred is a wonderful MacOS application to become more productive, but it takes quite some time, we often do not have, to make the most of it.

So, every week, I will help you master Alfred faster by mostly, but not only, sharing tips, tricks I have learned, amazing workflows I have carefully curated during my 9+ years using Alfred.

You can think of Alfredtricks Weekly as the companion any Alfred user dreamed of having when they started using Alfred or when they wanted to become more proficient in Alfred.

Alfredtricks Weekly is your dose of Alfred productivity delivered to you by e-mail every Sunday!

Join and become more productive with you Mac!

Subscribe to Alfredtricks Weekly

Alfred is a wonderful MacOS application to become more productive. Every week, I will help you master Alfred faster by sharing, for example, tips, tricks I have learned, amazing workflows I have carefully curated during my 9+ years using Alfred.


A weekly dose of tips, tricks and awesome curated workflows to make YOU more productive using Alfred.